As one of its 54th Anniversary Series Events, Perbanas Institute is organizing the 1st Perbanas International Conference on Economics, Business, Management, Accounting and IT (PROFICIENT 2023) under the theme “Enhancing The Role of Banking Industry on Supporting Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Transformations”. PROFICIENT 2023 will assemble policy makers, practitioners and scholars to share their knowledge and experience.

The event is carried out on:

Day, date       : Wednesday, 30th – Thursday, 31st August 2023

Time               : 08.00 – finish

Place              : Lobby Unit VI, Perbanas Institute Jakarta (Hybrid)

Free Registration:

For more information:

CP: Dwi Panggah (WA. +62 877-8852-2395)

Don’t miss it.

See you at the International Conference (PROFICIENT 2023)!