kazunori Otsuka

Director for International Affairs, Startup & SME support Department, Tsukuba Center Inc.

Kazunori currently works as an incubation manager at Tsukuba Center Inc., the Deeptech startup incubation center in Tsukuba Science City.

He is in charge of international affairs, in addition to making an alliance with various VCs, financial institutions, and other stakeholders.

Kazunori previously worked for the Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan, and then served for the Embassy of Japan in the UK from 2019 to 2021. During the assignment at the embassy, Kazunori planed and held various events such as UK Investors-Japan FinTech Online Meetup (March 2021) and a webinar “Japan as an International Financial Centre and Its Future” (June 2021) to bridge Japanese and UK players and investors.